Saturday, March 17, 2018

Waking Up White, part 301

This morning's
internet check-in
brought me to this article:

"The care and feeding of black children's souls, part 3."

Posted on the blog, East of Midnight
the author, Kim Hampton, asks how Unitarian Universalist religious educators are going to nurture the souls of black and brown children (and youth and adults) in our congregations, specifically in our religious education/faith development programs?

She writes:

"In June 2017, Georgetown University Law School released a study called “Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls’ Childhood,” which shows that starting at age five (that’s right, 5) black girls are viewed as less innocent and more adult than other girls. The press release from Georgetown says the following:

"The new report reveals that adults think:

-Black girls seem older than white girls of the same age.
-Black girls need less nurturing than white girls.
-Black girls need less protection than white girls.
-Black girls need to be supported less than white girls.
-Black girls need to be comforted less than white girls.
-Black girls are more independent than white girls.
-Black girls know more about adult topics than white girls.
-Black girls know more about sex than white girls.

Sit with those results for a minute."

I have read these stats before. It must have been right around the time they came out. Just after the congregation (I was serving at the time) and I had committed to working with the Movement for Black Lives. Just after we had held our first White Supremacy Teach In - People of Color and People of the Global Minority. Just after we had shared Marley Dias' 1000 Black Girl Books and asked our own kids, Where's the Color in Kids Lit?

I had read these stats. I was mortified. And, I stored them in my file of the many oppressions that need attention.

Today they make me so sad.

My beautiful great niece is turning one year old on Wednesday.

I am aware and awake, again.

I vow to work in the world

-In the religious education classroom
-In the media and the streets
-In the hearts and minds of friends, family, and acquaintances

In my own heart and mind

on her behalf.

I am fiercely ready.

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